Harnessing the Demographic Dividend to Fast-Track Industrialisation: A Case in the ICT sector
Abstract Eswatini ranks very low in the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI). Conceivably, this draws from the fact that Eswatini is a consumer of goods and services produced from outside the economy. In this paper, we use data from the GCI, International Telecommunications Union (ITU), and…
Innovation in Eswatini: past, present, and future prospects
Abstract Innovation is a catalyst for social and economic development and as such a precondition for progress. Given the need to increase economic activity and expand GDP in Eswatini, this study documents the history of innovation in Eswatini and assesses the potential for the traditional…
Economic Impact Analysis of Credit Guarantee Schemes in Eswatini: A Case of the Small Scale Enterprise Loan Guarantee Scheme (SSELGS)
Using data from 315 beneficiaries of the Small Scale Enterprise Loan Guarantee Scheme, this study assesses the impact of the Small Scale Loan Guarantee Scheme. The study assessed both the financial and economic additionality of the scheme. The study used a structured questionnaire and face-to-face…
Exploring the relationship between unemployment and mental illness among the youth in selected communities of Eswatini.
Studies have demonstrated that the effects and consequences of a lack of work has detrimental effects on one’s mental health. With high levels of youth unemployment presenting a threat to the country’s efforts to sustainable economic development the study seeks to understand the link between…
Stokvels: An Instrument for Income Generation and Wealth Creation?
Stokvels are increasingly being recognised as a solution to contribute to income generation and wealth creation, especially amongst low-income earners who are excluded from the formal financial markets. This study investigates the contribution of stokvels to income generation and wealth creation in Eswatini focusing on…
An Insight into Community-Based Ecotourism in Eswatini: Theory versus Practice
The study provides a baseline of the performance of Community-based Ecotourism (CBET) ventures in Eswatini using primary data collected from 186 participants. The data was collected through face-to-face interviews amongst across five CBET sites. Descriptive and thematic analysis were used to identify; the benefits of…
Assessing the Relationship between Brain Drain and the Economy of Eswatini
Eswatini has been experiencing the brain drain phenomenon since the early 90s. Previous studies on the phenomenon attribute the brain drain to high unemployment and the labour market’s inability to absorb emaSwati. With that said, there are still no studies have been conducted to quantify…
The Implications of COVID-19 on the Shadow Economy
The informal sector is not completely informal With more businesses operating in the open under the same set of government regulations, it creates more opportunities for private sector growth where both individuals and businesses can compete and seize opportunities in a fair footing for income…
The Implications of COVID-19 on the Shadow Economy
There is growing concern over the impact of COVID-19 on the shadow/informal economy. Questions about how lockdown is affecting informal traders, what form of assistance/relief is available for the informal sector, is the shadow economy expected to increase or decrease, and will the informal traders…
‘‘COVID-19 impacts are dynamic and can be direct and indirect with some to be felt immediately while others will creep up in the medium and long-term’’. For more information please click on link below for a copy of; COVID-19 RESPONSE: IDEAS FOR THE KINGDOM OF…